
Our Mission

Fruitful Kingdom equips Christians to live a resilient, refreshed, and wholesome life of personal growth and intimacy with Jesus.

We provide personally engaging and practical visual design and resources that bring clarity to scripture, inspire healthy relationships, engage with mental health and well-being, and express the beauty of creation.

Our Vision

The vision of Fruitful Kingdom is to heal souls with hope and peace, to inspire hearts with love and grace, to awaken minds with truth and conviction, and to bring people closer together through their faith in Jesus.

Our Values

At Fruitful Kingdom, we present the blood-stained Gospel to speak to the world’s current condition. As such, there are apparent needs that inform our deeply held values. It is these values that guide our code of conduct.

To Be Christ-Centred

We disagree with neo-evangelicalism since Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. We stand for the complete and perfect works of Jesus as being sufficient to redeem us from all unrighteousness. We believe salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, and in Jesus Christ alone. As Christians living in a fallen world, we are to exist in it for God’s glory, to be a light in the darkness, and to reflect God’s truth and love as a witness to the world.

To Teach Sound Doctrine

Since we live in the last days of the Church Age, we disagree with ecumenicism. With the rise of false teachers worldwide, we must take a firm stand for Biblical truth. We must separate ourselves from erroneous teaching and have no fellowship with heresy. We believe in and promote God’s revealed Word, accurately presented in the Authorized King James Bible.

To Glorify God

Since humanity seeks to glorify itself, we exist to glorify the true and living God. We believe that God is holy, sovereign, and just, but that He is also loving, compassionate, merciful, and gracious. He alone is worthy of our worship and praise. We believe that God is working all things together according to His plan. We take no credit for anything good in our life, only our obedience to His working in our life – which by His Holy Spirit, He also empowers us to will and to act. For this reason, we must worship Him.

To Develop Spiritual Fruit

Since such a costly price has redeemed us, we do not believe in abusing our eternal freedom in Christ. We believe in the ongoing work of sanctification and that Christians are to participate in becoming more like Christ. We certainly do not believe that works save us, but rather that character growth can indicate a regenerated heart. We are all at different stages in our growth journey with Jesus, but we all have one thing in common: we need Jesus more and more.

To Strengthen Relationships

Since humanity has become increasingly disconnected from reality and hostile to the real Gospel, we do not believe in standing idle. We believe in nurturing real connections with God, ourselves, our loved ones, and our broader community. We are saved into a relationship with God and a relationship with the body of Christ. We are also representatives of God to the world, responsible for spreading the Gospel, and held accountable for our works in the flesh.

To Develop Healthy Well-Beings

Since issues with mental health and well-being plague humanity, we do not believe that the body of Christ is immune. We are living in a complex and stressful world. We support Christians in working through various mental health challenges, so they can live a life that reflects the hope, rest, peace, joy, and love that is our inheritance! God is our well of life, springing up inside us. In Him, all our growth is made possible.

Our Theology

At Fruitful Kingdom, our fundamentalist Baptist theology forms our mission, vision, and values. We are dispensational, pre-millennial, and pre-tribulational.

Our Perspectives


At Fruitful Kingdom, our Christian faith is the defining factor for how we perceive everything. The true Gospel of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ is central to what we teach. Salvation is through Him alone! We do not believe in any other Gospel. We are to separate from error. We stand for doctrinal truth, as given to us through the Authorized King James Bible. We are dispensational, pre-millennial, and pre-tribulational. We believe we are living in the last days and that the time of salvation by grace through faith is quickly ending. Now is the time for salvation!


Psychology studies the mind, its development and processes, and how it relates to behavior. With many barriers to mental health, well-being, and personal growth in the Lord, we focus on understanding the past, managing the present, and working towards a better tomorrow. Our goal is to nurture a future full of overcomers. Our content is not intended to make you an expert or professional. But if you study it and apply it to your life, it will help you grow in your intimacy with God. You can find the well of life and then lead others there too!

Lived Experience:

We believe in providing you with information, tools, resources, and products that have been tested and proven. We would only share something that we experienced on some level. Personal experience helps us relate and empathize with you. You will know that hope is available. We have made it through, and so can you. You can find the love, peace, joy, truth, and contentment that felt so far away for so long. Then you can help others too through your own lived experience!

Our Format

Fruitful Kingdom seeks to present our content to you through various multimedia.

Visual Designs:

Creative and artistic designs help you to visualize complex ideas and perspectives. Techniques like this can personally challenge you and encourage deeper conversation. Many of our designs have found their way into our shop.


Our readings cover various topics for you to be deeply engaged with. Doing so will allow you to grow in God and all areas of your life. Many of our readings have found their way onto social media, which we encourage you to follow. Stay updated with the latest content, and get to know us. Many readings have also found their way into our shop as resources. Subscribe to our blog to get exclusive content!

Practical Resources:

You will find many helpful resources for your growth journey with Jesus in our shop. You will also discover some fantastic personal products that conveniently and stylistically allow you to represent God to those around you.

Support Us

Fruitful Kingdom thrives on community support. With your help, we can reach further and deeper into the lives of the lost and the found. We want to help you. You’re important, you’re worthy, and you are deeply loved. Please help us to help you and those around you.


Please pray with us for the lost, that they may be redeemed by faithfully believing in Jesus Christ and His gracious works alone for their salvation. Please pray for Fruitful Kingdom as it stands firm and uncompromising on Biblical truth and that we will be fruitful in spreading the Gospel and nourishing Christian growth.


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Please let others know if you have benefitted from the information or from using our resources or products! Share however you can, wherever you can. If you follow us on social media, you can share our posts with your community and help spread the word!


Please let us know if you need help with our website, resources, or products. Please also let us know if our content has positively affected you. If you have any comments or suggestions, please fill out the contact form on the Contact page on our website.


Fruitful Kingdom relies entirely on your financial support by purchasing our resources and products.

Please view our Statement of Faith, Dispensational Statement, and King James Bible Statement for more information.

Safety Information

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please get in touch with your local emergency services.

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Fruitful Kingdom provides educational information, helpful resources, and personal products. We do not identify as clinical authority regarding health matters. We do not provide medical, counseling, therapy, or crises services. For Christian counseling services, we recommend speaking with your local pastor or Christian leader for recommendations.